Minimalist Apple Mail

I recently made this post on Threads and it got a bit popular, so I figured I'll make a blog post and share with you how to customize the Apple Mail client to look like this!

Probably like a lot of you ending up here, I've searched in every corners of the Internet to find a good minimalist email client, and this post by Manuel Moreale convinced me that this email client was right under my nose this whole time.
I suggest following his recommendations first, even though it's for an older version of Mail, the same principles apply today.
Next, you'll probably wonder how I got the toolbar at the top to look like this:

So here's how!
- Under your System Settings -> Accessibility -> Display -> Toggle on "Reduce transparency". This will change the color of the toolbar from grey to white when active. This applies across all the operating system so if you don't mind losing that blur effect on the menu bar and elsewhere, your GPU will thank you for it!

- This is the tricky part.
If you still see a separator like this:

Note that it should only appear when you're using the Side Preview, but in some circumstances it might reappear with the Bottom Preview. So make sure you toggle back to the Bottom Preview one last time and hide it again.

If there's still a thin line between the toolbar and the content. Just wiggle it a little by resizing a corner and it will disappear. Just like this:
And there you have it, I hope you like it! :)